Team Xplore

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points member since July 10, 2012 last seen on Aug 22, 2023


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My cat is hilarious! I don't think he is all there...

This is why the personality of Ragdoll Cats can be described as

The gentle Egyptian Mau is the only domesticated cat with a naturally occurring spotted coat. This breed has been clocked at 30 miles per hour and has extraordinary leaping ability.

this max the Himalayan cat acting like a nut

2 cats arguing.. fighting?? 猫 القطط Кошки
Como pasar de un duo a un trio..
2 gatos peleando? discutiendo?? y el otro...????

This is my Siamese cat Sweet Pea. I just got a new digital camera so she just HAD to see what I had, and I felt that I just HAD to interrogate her!
